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Reference Websites
Acronym Finder: With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, it's the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, initialisms. Find what your looking for ASAP .
Abbreviations Extensive collection of hundreds of thousands of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms. Arranged by broad areas, then broken down into browseable categories.
Ad*Access More than 7000 ads from print newspapers and magazines published from 1910 to the 1950's. Content focuses on radio, TV, transportation, beauty/hygiene, and WWII. http://library.duke,edu/digitalcollections/adaccess
Television Commercials Access thousands of historic commercials from the 1950s-1980s.
Almanacs Information Please Almanac
American Time Use Survey Provides statistics and graphical data on the amount of time people in the U.S. spend on various activities.
Art Project Links to more than 1000 works of art in 17 museums around the world. Virtually explore a museum, view the art in high resolution. and create your own personlaized collection.
ATM Locator Find Mastercard , Cirrus or Maestro ATM's worldwide
Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy Documents relevant to the fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy and government. Searchable by date, subject, author and title.
Baby Name Wizard Find the perfect name. Create a list by length of letters in a name, letter preference, heritage and popularity. Provides etymologies, and can track names by state or year for popularity.
Bank Rate Monitor Mortgage, college financing, insurance, debt information and more The site provides basic, advanced and interactive tools for charting; current and historical quotes; industry and market data; news and analysis; and screening tools for stocks on major worldwide exchanges. Information is organized under tabs.
Biodiversity Heritage Library With over 32million+ digitized pages about plants and animals from publications from 1484 to the present, the site is for browsing digitzed books and journals, and scanned images are of high quality and in full color. Explore some of the world's great science libraries, museums and botanical gardens. Easy to understand on what to buy, where to buy and how much to pay for a new or used auto or truck. Pricing and financing information. Search for specific makes, models and years.
Census Bureau: Economic Indicators Find the latest numbers for over a dozen key economic indicators, including new residential construction, home ownership rates...
Charity Navigator Rates over 5000 charities. Updated frequently, groups change according to the season and events. Research any city, zip code, or neighborhood for home value estimator, crime data, unemployment...
Code Academy Learn the basics of Java, HTML, Ruby, Python using free interactive web-based classes.
Consumer Search Automotive, computers, electronics, family, health, home and more.
Cooking Light Over 20,000 recipes online. The travel section lists some of the best places to eat out when traveling. Online courses free to anyone in a wide range of topics (23 categories), 325 courses offered at 62 universities.
Currency Converter Convert any currency to another including historical information
Current Value of Old Money Collects links "to inflation statistics, price indexes, and sources of data on changes in the value of money." Resources are divided geographically and thematically.
Dietary supplements labels database Search "information about label ingredients in more than 7000 selected brands of dietary supplements", browsing by brand name, target population and ingredient.
DOE/EPA 2018 Model Year Fuel Economy Guide fuel economy website for printable, electronic version of the guide is at
e-books@Adelaide Full text e-books of classic works of literature, philosophy, and history from various countries. Downloadable to various e-book devices.
ePodunk Profiles of cities and counties-data on airports, museums, statistics at the city and county level. Links to local media outlets, community organizations, historical weather, films shot in area and celebrity residences.
Encyclopedia of Earth Free online encyclopedia with 7000 articles written by "scholars, professionals, educators, practioners and other experts who collaborate and review each other's work." Content is keyword searchable.
EPA U.S. Department of Energy Helping consumers save money, reduce our nation's dependence on imported oil, and promote cleaner air in our communities. Call 1-800-254-6735. The current Fuel Economy Guide found at
FBI Records Online "vault" to thousands of declassified FBI documents spanning decades.
Forvo: words pronounced Audio playback clips of word pronunciations in over 280 languages. Website can be viewed in several languages.
Google Translate Translate words, text, website or entire documents in over 50 supported languages. If you can't identify the language, use the "detect language" feature. Quality varies by language.|es|
Hulu Free television episodes, full length movies and video clips. Browse by genre, documentaries to popular series.
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Compilation of information on plant and animal species threatened with extinction. List is updated once a year. Taxonomy, geographic range, population, habitat, ecology, threats and conservation actions are included.
Local Harvest nationwide directory of farmer's markets, small family farms & organic food resources. For anyone buying local and/or organic food and produce.
My Environment Searches for environmental data by location-zip code, street address, county name...Results appear by topic: My Maps, My Water, My Energy, MY Land, My Community...
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Supports research into the world's frozen realms. Includes Sea Ice Index or learn All About Snow.
NewspaperCat Catalog of Digital Hisotrical Newspapers. Links to over 1700 freely availabledigital hisotrical newspapers.
Office of Public Insurance Counsel Comparing Texas HMOs is OPIC's annual report card, also the Guide of Texas HMO Quality compares performance of quality care measures.
Online Conversion 50,000 conversions and 5000 units. Has the popular conversions, but also contains measurements for women's clothing between countries, light years, density, torque, and fun stuff such as weight on Mars and names into Morse Code.
Open Library Seeks to create and maintain "one webpage for every book ever published." The site provides full-text access (when available) to out-of-copyright titles, including the option to send the text to a Kindle. Over 20 million records gathered so far.
Opinion Polls Gallop Polls on all topics.
Petrucci Music Library 20,000 works from 3000 composers. Free sheet music online
Poetry Tool Articles about poetry and poets. Poems in full text, including podcasts and audio versions of poems. and Cons of Controversial Issues Site looks at both sides of 40 controversial issues in many areas. For each issue, a core question is posed along with the top ten pro and con statements regarding the issue, little known facts, historical timeline and a glossary.
Professional Misconduct Physician and Physician Assistant disciplinary and other actions.
Statistical Abstract of the United States Includes statistics from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis among others.
Still Tasty The site contains information on how long food can be safely stored and the best way to keep it. Information from the Department of Agriculture, U.S. Food and Drug Administration and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
U.N. data International statistics on a broad range of topics
UNESCO Institute for Statistics The most comprehensive database for education statistics in the world, tracking current and historical data. Can build custom tables and reports besides predefined statistical tables, country profiles and global rankings.
Web Gallery of Art Virtual museum and searchable database of art, containing over 30,000 images.
Weights and measures Common equivalent weights and measures.
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