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Many people along the way have contributed to the success of Plinkit. First and foremost, thanks go to Eva Miller, the original designer and creator of Plinkit and to the Multnomah County Library who originally sponsored the grant that funded the original project.

Special thanks to the Plone community at large who have been supportive of this project in so many ways.

Plinkit owes a big "Thank You" to the Oregon Department of Education who contributed the original content for the "Kid's Corner", "Middle Schoolers", and "High Schoolers" section of the Plinkit template. Content for these sections was derived from Castillo's Corner and is locally maintained by your public library.

Sharon Morris (Colorado State Library) also contributed additional content for the Español section the Homework and Research Sites page.

The Oregon Plinkit Project participates in the Plinkit Collaborative -- a group of several states that use localized versions of Plinkit for their public libraries. Oregon libraries using Plinkit benefit greatly through the Oregon State Library's work with a cooperative group of librarians, libraries, and resources for further Plinkit development.

And last but not least, Plinkit would not exist if it were not for the Institute of Museum and Library Services which funds Plinkit (in whole or in part) through the Library Services and Technology Act.